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Hellvar is a relatively new band. We first started playing together 4 years ago, then as a folk-duett. We transformed a couple of times, but our resent setup is a 4-piece electro-rockgroup.Writing music and recording, playing gigs. Mostly having fun and experimenting.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

We have a drummer, and are going to USA í August of 2010. Rehearsing a-lot. New songs, for the next album. No idea what it will be called. Only idea I came up with was to take the first two letters of each member of Hellvar and scramble them up, like this:

Elvar - EL
Heiða - HE
Sverrir - SV
Óli - ÓL
Alexandra - AL

This could result in things like:

El Hesvolal
El Sval Olhe
Heal el svol

et cetera....

Not good enooooough...


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